“South Uist and Benbecula are an angler’s paradise; Introduction.South Uist, with its alkaline lochs, has some of the finest and most exceptional wild Brown Trout and Sea Trout fishing in Europe; plus, the bonus of the occasional Salmon. The only other fish that swim in the lochs are Sticklebacks and Eels – there are no coarse fish on the islands. There are perhaps 800 lochs and lochans on the 2 islands (South Uist & Benbecula), all containing wild brown trout - but in very different numbers and of very different sizes - some contain a large head of small fish, others a smaller number of larger fish. In some of the lochs there lurk the odd monster but these are rarely caught. A wild 9lb 8oz Brown trout was caught in 2006 – that is a story for another time. All fishing is by fly only, with the exception of the sea fords where spinning and bait is allowed. Catch returns:See the www.fishhebrides.com which has a regular update of catch returns for the Estate lochs. Note the following catch returns are for the Estate lochs only and exclude local Angling catches. Be careful when checking annual, monthly catch returns – remember that they are heavily influenced but how many rods and how many days they fished (rod days). Brown trout returns for 2024 were 2,337 (all over 3/4 lb) best fish 7lb 4oz This excludes many 100.s of trout from SUAC lochs. Sea Trout number held up well at 469 (again all over 1lb) plus 200 finnock. That’s a very encouraging number for the upcoming season. Ownership/Management:The fishing is split between “the "Estate fishing"” and the local angling club water managed” by "South Uist Angling Club" (SUAC).
All fishing on South Uist is owned by the community company Stòras Uibhist. Contact Christina Morrison 01878 700 101. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. “The charm of the Outer Hebrides for the true angler, the man who feels the full joy of the sport, lies in the sense of solitude which broods over their desolate moors. The island is a land of matchless cloudscapes above the western horizon, where the sea and sky meet. Days of calm and days of storm, days of sunshine and days of mist and rain come in alternate bewildering sequence, and each gives to the lone land of lakes a new delight.” Hamish Stuart - Book of the Sea Trout 1916 70 Lochs - A guide to Trout Fishing in South UistWritten by John Kennedy, then fishing manager for South Uist Estates, this guide is based on some 25 years' experience this guide is essential reading for the angler visiting the island for the first time, and an invaluable reference for the local angler. I would recommend it to you.
Permit availability and prices—2025 seasonEstate LochsPrices for the estate lochs are based on the hire of a boat including fishing permit costs for 2 anglers. Whilst there is some very fine fishing from the bank, a boat is essential to get the best out of the fishing. There is no fishing on Estate lochs on Sundays, but one is welcome to bank fish for brown trout away from the road.
Bank fishing permit: £10.00 per day, £50.00 per week. The Angling Club have 2 styles of boat – a standard boat at an extra £10 per day in addition to the bank fishing permit, and a number of Lomond boats (the same as the Estate) which are superior quality and cost £40 per day for 2 anglers which includes fishing permits. They are normally on the following lochs: East and West Bee, Druidibeg, Dun Na Cille, Clachan, West and North Olavat. Note: Under 18s fish free. For bookings contact Sheena Macmillan at Storas Uist – telephone 01878 700 101 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. GhilliesI would strongly recommend you use a ghillie, most particularly if this is your first time fishing here. Many of the lochs are relatively shallow and there are a significant number of skerries, often just under the surface of the water. If you do not know where they are it can be quite dangerous. All ghillies will provide their own outboards. Bear in mind that fish will not lie all over any given loch and unless you have fished them for many years you are unlikely to know the best lies. Hopefully my knowledge will significantly increase your catch, and the Kelly’s kettle can provide a welcome break on a cold morning. Angling Club Lochs
It has to be said, however, that one needs to know the lochs and also be prepared to put in the time. This is similar to specimen hunting anywhere. I had fished this loch on 12 different occasions without a single take before catching this fish. It does however go to show the quality and size of fish in our water. Angling Club BoatsThe local angling club have 14 boats which are available for hire. Some of these boats and lochs are suitable for outboards - some are not. Whilst not all of the boats are the quality of the Estate “Loch Lomond” boats, they are essential to get the best out of many of the lochs. Care of BoatsBoats must be returned to correct location, irrespective of where found. It must be pulled well clear of water, and secured to mooring stake. Oars to be tucked under boat seats.
JuniorsUnder 18 Years of age must be accompanied by an adult. |